“We break Mountains to Produce Sand & Aggregates with our Specialization in Crushing Operations’’ “Our clients take care of various Infra Projects anywhere in the world”

“To be among one of the best in Oman of construction raw materials supplier with quality as per International standards”
About Shinas Rocks
Who we are?
Shinas Rocks LLC is a privately owned company and is leading producer of Gabbro for the local, regional and international markets. The Quarry is in Wilayat Shinas, North Batinah Governorate, approximately 65 kms from Sohar Port. The quarry and crusher is connected by well-developed road network to the surrounding towns, cities and ports.
Shinas Rocks LLC is one of Oman’s leading Gabbro Aggregate manufacturers, from quarrying to crushing and trading of gabbro aggregates. With expertise honed over four decades by its staff, management and partners, the company has earned the trust and goodwill of Oman and the region through its valued product portfolio and ethical business practices. Shinas Rocks’s competent and skilled staff efficiently carry out production, engineering, operations, management, business development functions and logistic, anticipating customers’ needs early and serving them with innovative and differentiated products and solutions. Excellence is our goal as well as our obligation to our clients. We are committed to exceeding our client’s expectations. Through each process of the complete services provided by our organization, we maintain and set the industry standards for professionalism and integrity.


Aggregate Base Course (ABC)
Sub Grade Material
Sand (Natural, Crushed & Screened)
An integral part of concrete, also used as a foundation in most building projects.
Other Products

Aggregate (10 Mm - 40 Mm)
Used in construction of buildings and road, also for mixing of cement and other materials.
Granular Sub Base (GSB)
Utilized in road construction as a base layer to support overall structure.
Filling Material
Often used as fill for various types of excavations and backfill for retaining structures.
Armour Rocks (Riprap)
Soil protection & stabilization of material.

Aggregate (10 Mm - 40 Mm)
Used in construction of buildings and road, also for mixing of cement and other materials.
Aggregate Base Course (ABC)

Granular Sub Base (GSB)
Utilized in road construction as a base layer to support overall structure.
Sub Grade Material

Filling Material
Often used as fill for various types of excavations and backfill for retaining structures.
Sand (Natural, Crushed & Screened)
An integral part of concrete, also used as a foundation in most building projects.

Armour Rocks (Riprap)
Soil protection & stabilization of material.
Other Products

Plant Reserve and Annual Production Capacities
Annual Production Capacities
MT Pear Year
Plant Reserve
Reserve on Site

Protecting the safety and health of our employees and being responsible stewards of the environment are essential priorities for SRT, and compliance with safety, health and environmental laws and regulations is the minimum standard of performance.